Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Constitutional Admendment

The amendment I would add is the right to listen to music when we feel like it. We should be able to listen to something, when we want. For example at school. It should be up to the student and then it is up to them to sink or swim.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I wish I could wish Santa was real again. Believing in Santa gives kids something to look forward to. They could try to stay up on Christmas and see him. Even though they fall asleep trying to and end up sleeping in.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Big on the outside

I know people that is little on the outside but big on the inside and they may be small but they have a big heart and they are kind and courteous. I don't think that your physical appearance is related to your personalty. If your internal beauty is related to your appearance a lot of people would be ugly. My internal beauty would be smart, funny, and cool.